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Faculty & Staff Login
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Department | Phone | |
Aquatron Laboratory - Emergency - Aquatron |
+1 902 499 3411 |
Dalplex Management Administration - Studley Gym |
+1 902 494 8833 |
Law Library - Acquisitions |
+1 902 494 7141 |
Arts Centre - Arts Centre INFO Line/Recording |
+1 902 494 7081 |
Chemistry - TARC |
+1 902 494 7078 |
Trace Analysis Research Centre - Research Laboratory - TARC |
+1 902 494 7071 |
Medicine - Dean's Office - Administration and Finance |
+1 902 494 6592 |
Biology - Green House |
+1 902 494 6537 |
Dalhousie Student Union - CKDU |
+1 902 494 6479 |
Computer Science, Faculty of - Research Area Room 235 |
+1 902 494 6455 |
Computer Science, Faculty of - Research Area Room 334 |
+1 902 494 6441 |
Public Administration - MPA Management Program |
+1 902 494 6391 |
Industrial Engineering - Graduate Student Room 1 |
+1 902 494 6164 |
Industrial Engineering - Lab - Ergonomics |
+1 902 494 6136 |
Lab - Room G107A - Ceramics |
+1 902 494 6116 |
Industrial Engineering - Lab - Computer |
+1 902 494 6112 |
University Food Services - O'Brien Hall - Food Services |
+1 902 494 6099 |
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Graduate Student Rm C105 |
+1 902 494 6036 |
University Food Services - Brief Break - Weldon |
+1 902 494 5187 |
Pathology - Histology Research Services |
+1 902 494 5141 |
Bookstore - Bookstore - Sexton Campus |
+1 902 494 3985 |
Chemistry - Chemistry Resource Centre |
+1 902 494 3756 |
Earth Sciences - Geographic Information Systems |
+1 902 494 3705 |
University Food Services - Second Cup - Computer Science |
+1 902 494 3690 |
Killam Library - Cataloguing |
+1 902 494 3645 |
Killam Library - Systems |
+1 902 494 3631 |
Killam Library - Administration |
+1 902 494 3601 |
Dental Clinic - Dental Laboratory |
+1 902 494 3564 |
Medicine - Building Services - Receiving (Tupper Bldg) |
+1 902 494 3496 |
University Food Services - Howe Hall - Food Services |
+1 902 494 3389 |
Dalplex Management Administration - Pool Lifeguards |
+1 902 494 3357 |
Aquatron Laboratory - Pumphouse |
+1 902 494 3353 |
Process Engineering and Applied Science - Student Lounge F205 |
+1 902 494 3112 |
Industrial Engineering - Graduate Student Room 2 |
+1 902 494 3009 |
Human Resources - Academic Staff Relations |
+1 902 494 2962 |
Computer Science, Faculty of - Research Area Room 330 |
+1 902 494 2887 |
Killam Library - Conservation |
+1 902 494 2862 |
University Food Services - Cafe Connects - Alumni Lounge |
+1 902 494 2749 |
Computer Science, Faculty of - Research Area Room 237 |
+1 902 494 2724 |
Law Library - Administration |
+1 902 494 2640 |
Computer Science, Faculty of - Help Desk - Computer Science |
+1 902 494 2593 |
Intramural (Dial-A-Rec) Schedules |
+1 902 494 2588 |
University Food Services - Prime Spot - Rowe Building |
+1 902 494 2560 |
Dalhousie Student Union - Gazette |
+1 902 494 2507 |
University Food Services - Tim Horton's - Tupper Building |
+1 902 494 2476 |
Kellogg Health Sciences Library - Administration |
+1 902 494 2458 |
Mathematics and Statistics - Chebucto Community Net Office |
+1 902 494 2449 |
University Food Services - Killam Bistro |
+1 902 494 2406 |
University Food Services - Second Cup - Killam Library |
+1 902 494 2335 |
Arts Centre - Arts Centre Administration |
+1 902 494 2267 |
University Food Services - Tim Horton's - LSC |
+1 902 494 2172 |
University Food Services - Java - Dentistry |
+1 902 494 2160 |
Biology - University Diving Officer |
+1 902 494 2090 |
University Food Services - Shirreff Hall - Food Services |
+1 902 494 2087 |
Dalplex Management Administration - Campus Recreation |
+1 902 494 2002 |
University Food Services - Food Court - LSC |
+1 902 494 1603 |
Biology - Marine Gene Probe Lab |
+1 902 494 1398 |
Pharmacy - DSPS |
+1 902 494 1367 |
Management - Dean's Office - Student Line - SRES |
+1 902 494 1365 |
Admissions and Program Co-Ordinator |
+1 902 494 1288 |
MedIT - Video/Audio Production |
+1 902 494 1263 |
Medicine - Education Co-ordinator-Special Projects |
+1 902 473 7997 |
Medicine - Education Co-Ordinator - Undergraduate Medicine |
+1 902 473 7722 |
Medicine - Physician Resource Officer |
+1 902 473 6696 |
Medicine - Administrator |
+1 902 473 5753 |
Pediatrics - Infectious Disease Research Lab |
+1 902 473 5553 |
Medicine - Research Database Consultant |
+1 902 473 3817 |
Medicine - Administrative Assistant to Head/Chief |
+1 902 473 2379 |
Medicine - Head/Chief of Department |
+1 902 473 2379 |
Medicine - Accounting (UIMC) |
+1 902 473 2257 |
Medicine - Education Co-Ordinator - Postgraduate Medicine |
+1 902 473 2253 |
Medicine - Accounting/Payroll Clerk (UIMC) |
+1 902 473 2243 |
Medicine - Research Biostatistician |
+1 902 473 2094 |
Pediatrics - Chair - Pediatrics |
+1 902 470 8233 |
University Food Services - Vending |
+1 902 452 9311 |
Search for Arts - Dean's Office returned 150 results.
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Information obtained from this search may not be used to provide addresses for bulk mailings to faculty, staff, students, or parents of students. This search is provided for information of the University community and those who have specific interest in reaching individuals at Dalhousie University. Any solicitation of business, information, contributions, or other response from individuals listed by mail or other means is forbidden.