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Department | Phone | |
Equipment Centre - Studley-Arena-Wickwire |
+1 902 494 8833 |
Centre for Learning and Teaching - Sexton Audio Visual Svcs |
+1 902 494 8357 |
International Development Studies - IDS Graduate Students |
+1 902 494 8053 |
Student Accessibility Services - Teletypewriter (TTY) |
+1 902 494 7091 |
Arts Centre - Arts Centre INFO Line/Recording |
+1 902 494 7081 |
Trace Analysis Research Centre - Research Laboratory - TARC |
+1 902 494 7071 |
University Children's Centre - South St Office |
+1 902 494 7001 |
Halifax Student Housing |
+1 902 494 6888 |
Dalhousie Student Union - Bar Services |
+1 902 494 6529 |
Bar.Services@Dal.Ca |
Dalhousie Student Union - Grawood Lounge |
+1 902 494 6529 |
Grawood.Lounge@Dal.Ca |
Pediatrics - Atlantic Research Centre |
+1 902 494 6491 |
ARC@Dal.Ca |
Dalhousie Student Union - CKDU |
+1 902 494 6479 |
University Children's Centre - Life Sciences Location |
+1 902 494 6426 |
Centre for Advanced Management Education |
+1 902 494 6391 |
CFAME@Dal.Ca |
Graduate Student Room R2001 |
+1 902 494 6213 |
Graduate Student Room R2002 |
+1 902 494 6165 |
Industrial Engineering - Graduate Student Room 1 |
+1 902 494 6164 |
Graduate Student Room C102 |
+1 902 494 6152 |
Materials Student Resource Centre |
+1 902 494 6144 |
Graduate Student Room C236 |
+1 902 494 6128 |
Graduate Student Room K301 |
+1 902 494 6121 |
Graduate Student Room K304 |
+1 902 494 6120 |
Dalhousie Student Union - Architectural Student Association |
+1 902 494 6115 |
Dalhousie Student Union - Engineering Undergraduate Society |
+1 902 494 6110 |
Dalhousie Student Union - T-Room Bar - Sexton Campus |
+1 902 494 6091 |
TRoom@Dal.Ca |
Centre for Water Resources Studies CWRS |
+1 902 494 6070 |
CWRS@Dal.Ca |
Graduate Student Room C370A |
+1 902 494 6065 |
Student Service Centre |
+1 902 494 6047 |
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Graduate Student Rm C105 |
+1 902 494 6036 |
Graduate Student Room C308 |
+1 902 494 6032 |
Financial Services - Student Accounts |
+1 902 494 3998 |
Student.Accounts@Dal.Ca |
Student Accounts Inquiries - Sexton Campus |
+1 902 494 3998 |
Graduate Student Lab - C323 |
+1 902 494 3993 |
Centre for Learning and Teaching - Rowe Audio Visual Svcs |
+1 902 494 3893 |
University Children's Centre - Staffroom |
+1 902 494 3842 |
Arts Centre - Arts Centre Box Office |
+1 902 494 3820 |
Learning Resource Centre Medicine |
+1 902 494 3783 |
LRC.Med@Dal.Ca |
Dalhousie Student Union - Campus Copy |
+1 902 494 3781 |
Campuscopyrocks@Dal.Ca |
Chemistry - Chemistry Resource Centre |
+1 902 494 3756 |
Dalplex Customer Service Centre |
+1 902 494 3372 |
Dalhousie Student Union - DSU Computer |
+1 902 494 3308 |
Dalhousie Student Union - Technical Services |
+1 902 494 3308 |
DSU.Tech@Dal.Ca |
Computer Science, Faculty of - Computer Science Student Society |
+1 902 494 3135 |
CSSS@Dal.Ca |
Process Engineering and Applied Science - Student Lounge F205 |
+1 902 494 3112 |
Industrial Engineering - Graduate Student Room 2 |
+1 902 494 3009 |
Centre for Learning and Teaching - McCain Audio Visual Svcs |
+1 902 494 2981 |
Dalhousie Student Union - DSU Health Plan |
+1 902 494 2850 |
DSUHealth@Dal.Ca |
Advocacy Committee Graduate Students |
+1 902 494 2809 |
Advocacy.Committee@Dal.Ca |
Black Student Advisor - BSAC Student Lounge |
+1 902 494 2712 |
Dalhousie Student Union - Gazette |
+1 902 494 2507 |
Dalhousie Student Union - News Office |
+1 902 494 2507 |
Dalhousie Student Union - Request Line |
+1 902 494 2487 |
Mathematics and Statistics - Math Stats Learning Centre |
+1 902 494 2484 |
Registrar's Office - Web For Students |
+1 902 494 2450 |
StudentOnline@Dal.Ca |
Dalhousie Student Union - Women's Centre |
+1 902 494 2432 |
Arts Centre |
+1 902 494 2267 |
Arts Centre - Arts Centre Administration |
+1 902 494 2267 |
Dalhousie Student Union - DSU Information Centre |
+1 902 494 2140 |
Dalhousie Student Union - Student Volunteer Services |
+1 902 494 1986 |
Student.Volunteer@Dal.Ca |
Graduate Student Room K306 |
+1 902 494 1905 |
Graduate Student Rm-K103 |
+1 902 494 1876 |
University Children's Centre - Kitchen |
+1 902 494 1760 |
Peter Green Hall Children's Centre |
+1 902 494 1747 |
Graduate Student Room C324 |
+1 902 494 1644 |
Centre for Learning and Teaching - Administration |
+1 902 494 1622 |
Earth Sciences - Environmental and Marine Geology, Centre For |
+1 902 494 1473 |
Management - Dean's Office - Student Line - SRES |
+1 902 494 1365 |
Dalhousie Student Union - DSU President |
+1 902 494 1277 |
Dalhousie Student Union - DSU Vice President Internal |
+1 902 494 1276 |
Dalhousie Student Union - CKDU Sales Manager |
+1 902 494 1250 |
Dalhousie Student Union - Accounting - DSU |
+1 902 494 1246 |
DSU.Accounts@Dal.Ca |
Dalhousie Student Union - DSU Secretary |
+1 902 494 1106 |
Management - Dean's Office - Eco Efficiency Centre |
+1 902 461 6704 |
Eco.Efficiency.Centre@Dal.Ca |
Engineering, Faculty of - Minerals Engineering Centre | MEC@DAL.CA | |
Sexton Students Athletics | Sexton.Athletics@Dal.Ca |
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Information obtained from this search may not be used to provide addresses for bulk mailings to faculty, staff, students, or parents of students. This search is provided for information of the University community and those who have specific interest in reaching individuals at Dalhousie University. Any solicitation of business, information, contributions, or other response from individuals listed by mail or other means is forbidden.