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Department | Phone | |
Emergency Medicine - Emergency Medical Services, Div of |
+1 902 943 1043 |
EMS@Dal.Ca |
Medicine - Dean's Office - BHCRI - Beatrice Hunter |
+1 902 494 8970 |
Medical Alumni Association |
+1 902 494 8800 |
Medical.Alumni@Dal.Ca |
Medical Alumni Association - Medical Alumni Reunions |
+1 902 494 8800 |
Centre for Learning and Teaching - Sexton Audio Visual Svcs |
+1 902 494 8357 |
Medicine - Dean's Office - Healthy Living Program |
+1 902 494 8331 |
Certified Empl Benefit Specialist Program - 1459 LeMarchant |
+1 902 494 7199 |
Pediatrics - ARC-CRC |
+1 902 494 7066 |
Medicine - Dean's Office - Administration and Finance |
+1 902 494 6592 |
Pediatrics - Atlantic Research Centre |
+1 902 494 6491 |
ARC@Dal.Ca |
Centre for Advanced Management Education |
+1 902 494 6391 |
CFAME@Dal.Ca |
Process Engineering and Applied Science - Ceramics Lab 2 |
+1 902 494 6257 |
Continuing Technical Education - 1459 LeMarchant |
+1 902 494 6079 |
CTE@Dal.Ca |
Process Engineering and Applied Science |
+1 902 494 3953 |
Centre for Learning and Teaching - Rowe Audio Visual Svcs |
+1 902 494 3893 |
Learning Resource Centre Medicine |
+1 902 494 3783 |
LRC.Med@Dal.Ca |
Killam Library - Distance Education |
+1 902 494 3617 |
Libraries.Distance@Dal.Ca |
Medical Research Foundation |
+1 902 494 3502 |
DMRF@Dal.Ca |
Medicine - Building Services - Receiving (Tupper Bldg) |
+1 902 494 3496 |
Biomedical Engineering Medicine |
+1 902 494 3427 |
BME@Dal.Ca |
Process Engineering and Applied Science - Ceramics Lab 1 |
+1 902 494 3124 |
Process Engineering and Applied Science - Student Lounge F205 |
+1 902 494 3112 |
Centre for Learning and Teaching - McCain Audio Visual Svcs |
+1 902 494 2981 |
Medicine - Dean's Office - Novel Tech Ethics |
+1 902 494 2873 |
MedIT - Meeting Room Bookings |
+1 902 494 2867 |
MedIT - Records Management |
+1 902 494 2859 |
Intramural (Dial-A-Rec) Schedules |
+1 902 494 2588 |
Continuing Management Education - 1459 LeMarchant |
+1 902 494 2526 | |
Mathematics and Statistics - Math Stats Learning Centre |
+1 902 494 2484 |
Registrar's Office - Transfer Credits |
+1 902 494 2450 |
TransferCredits@Dal.Ca |
Dental Continuing Education |
+1 902 494 1674 |
Centre for Learning and Teaching |
+1 902 494 1622 |
Centre for Learning and Teaching - Administration |
+1 902 494 1622 |
Schulich School of Law - General - Dalhousie Law Journal |
+1 902 494 1469 |
Editor.DLJ@Dal.Ca |
MedIT - Video/Audio Production |
+1 902 494 1263 |
MedIT - Instructional Support Services |
+1 902 494 1234 | |
Medicine - System Analyst/Data Special/Mgr |
+1 902 473 8766 |
Medicine - Education Co-ordinator-Special Projects |
+1 902 473 7997 |
Medicine - PhD Scientist/Data Miner |
+1 902 473 7858 |
Medicine - Education Co-Ordinator - Undergraduate Medicine |
+1 902 473 7722 |
Medicine - Technical Service Reps (2) |
+1 902 473 7474 |
Medicine - Manager - Cardiology/Neurology/Geriatric Medicine |
+1 902 473 7404 |
Family Medicine - Rural CME |
+1 902 473 7140 |
Rural.CME.Locum@Dal.Ca |
Surgery - Orthopedic Surgery |
+1 902 473 7105 |
Medicine - Physician Resource Officer |
+1 902 473 6696 |
Family Medicine - Family Medicine - Camp Hill/Clinical |
+1 902 473 6238 |
Medicine - Administrator |
+1 902 473 5753 |
Medicine - Manager - Dermatology/GI/General Medicine/ID |
+1 902 473 5646 |
Pediatrics - Infectious Disease Research Lab |
+1 902 473 5553 |
Family Medicine |
+1 902 473 4747 |
Medicine - Research Database Consultant |
+1 902 473 3817 |
Medicine - Research Database Support |
+1 902 473 3789 |
Medicine - Administrative Assistant to Head/Chief |
+1 902 473 2379 |
Medicine - Head/Chief of Department |
+1 902 473 2379 |
Medicine - Accounting (UIMC) |
+1 902 473 2257 |
Medicine - Education Co-Ordinator - Postgraduate Medicine |
+1 902 473 2253 |
Medicine - Accounting/Payroll Clerk (UIMC) |
+1 902 473 2243 |
Medicine - Research Biostatistician |
+1 902 473 2094 |
Medicine - Statistics and Database Officer |
+1 902 473 2056 |
Family Medicine - Family Medicine - Cowie/Clinical |
+1 902 473 1234 |
Pediatrics - Laboratory - CTRC |
+1 902 470 8496 |
Pediatrics - Chair - Pediatrics |
+1 902 470 8233 |
Pediatrics |
+1 902 470 8229 |
Pediatrics - Canadian Center for Vaccinology |
+1 902 470 8141 |
Pediatrics - Postgraduate Education |
+1 902 470 8119 |
Peds.Postgrad@Dal.Ca |
Pediatrics - Undergraduate Education |
+1 902 470 8115 |
Peds.Education@Dal.Ca |
Pediatrics - Family Help Program |
+1 902 470 7934 |
Family.Help.Info@Dal.Ca |
Pediatrics - Laboratory - 3rd Floor |
+1 902 470 7519 |
Medical Education Program - NB |
+1 506 636 6000 |
Dalhousie Centre for TeleHealth, Faculty of Medicine | DalTeleHealth@Dal.Ca | |
Dalhousie Student Union - DSU Vice President Student Advocacy | DSUVPED@DAL.CA | |
Engineering, Faculty of - Advanced Manufacturing Group | AMG@Dal.Ca | |
MedIT - Videoconferencing Bookings | Videocon@Dal.Ca | |
Medical Education | DME@Dal.Ca | |
Science, Faculty of - Dalhousie Integrated Science Program DISP | DISP@DAL.CA |
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Information obtained from this search may not be used to provide addresses for bulk mailings to faculty, staff, students, or parents of students. This search is provided for information of the University community and those who have specific interest in reaching individuals at Dalhousie University. Any solicitation of business, information, contributions, or other response from individuals listed by mail or other means is forbidden.