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Department | Phone | |
Social Work - Atlantic Aboriginal Health Research Program |
+1 902 897 9199 x 120 |
AAHRP@Dal.Ca |
Business and Social Sciences |
+1 902 893 6700 |
Architecture and Planning - Woodworking Shop |
+1 902 719 6428 |
Social Work - Aboriginal Health Sciences Initiative |
+1 902 494 7147 | |
Social Work - Continuing Education Program |
+1 902 494 6899 |
Continuing.Education@Dal.Ca |
Engineering Mathematics and Internetworking |
+1 902 494 6085 |
Engineering.Mathematics@Dal.Ca |
Graduate House Social Club |
+1 902 494 3816 |
Graduate House Social Club - Bar |
+1 902 494 3816 |
Graduate House Social Club - Cafe |
+1 902 494 3816 |
Social Work |
+1 902 494 3760 |
Social.Work@Dal.Ca |
Networks and Systems |
+1 902 494 3472 | |
Social Work - IP Study |
+1 902 494 2921 |
Social Work - Existing Street Life Project |
+1 902 494 2094 |
Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of |
+1 902 494 1440 |
FASS@Dal.Ca |
Social Work - Distance Education |
+1 902 494 1354 | |
Social Work - Social Work Administration |
+1 902 494 1342 |
Socialworkadmin@Dal.Ca |
Internetworking Program - Engineering |
+1 902 494 1114 |
Internet.Eng@Dal.Ca |
Social Work - Socialwork Assignments | Socialwork.Assignments@Dal.Ca |
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Information obtained from this search may not be used to provide addresses for bulk mailings to faculty, staff, students, or parents of students. This search is provided for information of the University community and those who have specific interest in reaching individuals at Dalhousie University. Any solicitation of business, information, contributions, or other response from individuals listed by mail or other means is forbidden.